Midterm Review

Monday, September 28, 2015

When my group and I were working on our poster, I thought that we worked well together. We connected together and decided what prompt to use, that we all agreed upon. I thought that while we were making our poster, we wanted something that would stand out to the campus and something that would relate to the students of McKendree. We took action and made a poster that was very well developed. I liked that when we were in class, that people would critique our poster to make it even better than it was. In chapter ten it talks about sequence and I feel that we used that in our poster with our bearcat paws. All in all, I feel that this poster project went really well and making the poster was frustrating at times because we didn't know how to you the certain poster websites; however, we worked together and made a poster that is now all over the campus to help market our Humanities Division.

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